Pet Portal
What is a Pet Portal?
Pet Portals are secure, private pet health websites that give you direct access to manage your pet's health 24/7. We're happy to provide Pet Portals free of charge to all clients who have an active email address.
What can I do with my Pet Portal?
View pet information
Receive important medical alerts and clinic news
Post photos of your pets
Order prescription refills
Create and print instructions for pet sitters or kennel staff
Access reliable information on a wide range of pet health topics
View vaccination history
Request email reminders about when to give your pet's medication
How can I get a Pet Portal?
It's simple just contact us and let us know you would like to set up an account. We'll email you a password and link to our hospital website.
To access your Pet Portal, simply click Pet Portal Login and enter your email address and assigned passwords. It's that easy! As part of the Pet Portal service you also have the option or receiving your pet's service reminders by email. We use email to contact clients about important practice and animal health news, such as updates to our services or product recalls.
Contact us to activate Your FREE Pet Portal Today!